
Cate Hummel

I love my Altus flute for the richness and depth of the tonal palette and the clarity of articulation I can achieve on this flute. I appreciate that it lets me define how I want to sound rather than imposing a brand specific aesthetic.
Cate Hummel


Dr. Cate Hummel is active as a performing artist and clinician around the U.S. and internationally. Some recent events have included headlining the 2024 Summer Flute Workshop of the Arizona Flute Society, participating at the 2024 Wisconsin Flute Festival, and was a guest artist at the 2022 Festival Internacional de Flauta: Perla del Pacífico in Guayaquil, Ecuador. As an artist scholar for Altus and Azumi flutes Dr. Cate performs and presents to universities, high schools, music dealers, flute events, educator conferences and presents on a wide range of pedagogical topics. She enjoys learning and performing music of our own time, but also relishes uncovering music that has been overlooked or forgotten, especially French music and late Romantic period repertoire. Dr. Cate also lectures and gives workshops on the teaching of Marcel Moyse, especially the 24 Little Melodic Studies and Tone Development Through Interpretation. She is widely known for the blog, Dr. Cate’s Flute Tips, at about teaching flute, geared to helping band teachers understand flute pedagogy. Dr. Cate resides in Aurora, IL and has a lively practice teaching students from the Chicago area and online

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